Sunday, 8 May 2016

Isra Wal Miraj (Shab-e miraj) -Misconception

As salaam alaikum wa rehamtullahi wa barakatuhu. 

Recently we witness one of the Islamic event called shab-e meraj. Let talk first what it is. As much as I am aware of, it is a night when 5 time salah prescribe on us. 

Salah is very important act in our life. It is mandatory to pray 5 time a day on given time. And on the day of judgement first   question will be based on salah. Brother and sisters don't miss salah for sake of spending time with friends, you will regret it later. 

So, one of my roommate asked me that when is Shab-e meraj? I said it's on Thursday. She asked me next question instantly that when we should offer nafl salah? I asked her nafl salah for what ? She said for Shab-e meraj. I replied her that there is no where written in Quran and Hadith that we need to offer nafl salah for this day. 

Nor Allah order something like this neither our prophet (peace be upon him )  did.  Praying nafl salah is not wrong but offering  it on a specific day with other intention is wrong. 

Muslims who came in Islam get easily mislead from this kind of lack of knowledge. Trust me sisters I am also the one who offered nafl in my first year of reversion in Islam. After some days only I came to know there is no such nafl suggested or obligated on us. 

On Shab e Miraj, people offer nafl in order that they will get forgiveness for there sins committed. Dear all don't you know why prophet peace be upon him went to meet Allah.? When the whole motto of the night was  prescribing mandatory salah on us. People it mean you should pray five time a day rather than offering nafl salah offer you daily salah on time. 

Conclusion: five time salah obligated on us on Shab e miraj day, pray as our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did.